TRIUMF Certificate Authority

Quick Installation - Mozilla:

For Mozilla family browsers (Firefox, Mozilla, SeaMonkey)

Click the "Install Root Certificate" button on

The certificate should have the following fingerprints:

SHA1: 0C:CA:3D:69:78:81:15:48:75:53:65:8A:D9:24:30:3A:90:EA:32:F9
MD5: 8C:70:20:D5:46:39:4E:4F:B8:54:01:F7:0B:58:7E:B8

(The policy for this certificate is that it is only issued to legitimate TRIUMF sites by TRIUMF Computing Services)

(If you ever need to remove this certificate, or change the trust settings, select the browser configuration settings under e.g. Edit/Preferences/Privacy & Security/Certificates/Manage Certificates/Authorities. The exact place is different on different browser versions)

Administrators who wish to update multiple user accounts and profiles on one Linux machine may be interested in the system-wide method